Many people have emailed me recently about the violence in Kenya. Humble Hearts is very special to many of us. We have watched the children grow and become even more beautiful children than they were when they first came to the school. They are excited about learning and now have hopes and dreams they never dared to have before.
Fortunately, the current violence in Kenya won't put an end to those dreams. The Kenyan Government determines the country's school schedule. The beginning of the school year is January of each year and the children attend school on a 3 months in school, one month out of school pattern. School was scheduled to start on Jan. 7 this year. However, because of the violence, the opening of schools was delayed until Jan. 14. As far as I know, the school opened today without any problems.

There were certainly children and school staff who went to the country-side with their families during the holidays. Many of them were unable to return to Nairobi when planned because of roadblocks and violence. We are hopeful that all of the children and teachers will be able to return to school soon, and will have updated information about who has made it back to school and who hasn't by the end of the week.
We are thrilled to be moving forward with the lunch program, which was expanded this year to feed each and every child lunch at the school. For many, this is the first time in their lives they have been able to know without a doubt that they would eat each day. It's not possible to express the relief these children will feel.

Although Kenya is in turmoil right now, the children of Humble Hearts will be coming to school this week with the security of food, people who care about them, a safe place to live for those at Angel Cottage, and a strong hope for the future. In a city full of chaos, that's a comfort these children are not always privileged to feel.
Kari Fillmore