In the past week, we have been contacted by Love Without Boundaries about 2 babies who desperately need our help. Cong is an adorable little girl in the Anhui province of China who has serious problems with her heart. Cong is almost 1 year old and needs to have heart surgery to fix a VSD, ASD, and Tricuspid Regurgitation as soon as possible. We are working to raise the $4,210 needed to complete her surgery and give her a strong, healthy body as soon as possible.
Angel Covers has also agreed to help find supporters for Hua. Hua was born prematurely on January 15, weighing only 1 KG. Knowing how expensive intensive care can be, the orphanage tried to keep Hua in an incubator at the orphanage, but quickly realized he needs more care and a special formula. Love without Boundaries asked Angel Covers to help. Approximately $3,000 is needed for Hua's care. Because $1,200 has already been raised, Hua was transferred to Hefei and is receiving the care he needs.
If you are interested in helping either of these sweet babies, please go to http://www.angelcovers.org/donation.html to make a donation. You may put the child's name you are donating for in the memo section and we will make sure your donation is used for the baby you stated. You may also send donations to Love Without Boundaries. Regardless of where you send your donation, you will receive updates telling you how your baby is doing.
Thank you for your support of these children! We are grateful for everything you do for children around the world.
Kari Fillmore