Sunday, September 30, 2007
Kids Helping Kids
Thursday, September 20, 2007
This past weekend I was asked to come speak at a church in Kansas as well as an open house. I was also fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be interviewed by a T.V. station and radio station. All weekend I met wonderful people who care deeply about the children we work with. At each talk I gave, children were sponsored, products were purchased, and people expressed great interest in getting more involved with Angel Covers.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
What an amazing 5 years!

My goal this weekend is simply to spread the word; about our work, about our amazing sponsors, but most importantly about these children. I completely believe that every child has the potential to reach for the stars and grab them. Children around the world will be the ones to cure the various forms of cancer, find a vaccine for AIDS, or be the next leaders in peace. These children are being taught math, science, history, and other school subjects. But, more importantly they are being taught to believe in themselves. They are being taught that there is a world past poverty and despair. They are now believing they have a future past wondering where their next meal will come from.
Sometimes it's easy to feel like their are to many many children who need help. But I was reminded this week of the huge impact we are making for the kids we serve. And although we aren't helping every needy child, we are doing everything we can to care for as many as possible because they each deserve to hope.
Kari Fillmore
Monday, September 3, 2007
Our Sponsors Make a Difference...Thank You!!!
I would like to say thank you to all our wonderful and generous sponsors and donors. Each and every one of you has taken on a piece and together we are making such a positive impact in the lives of so many girls. Your generosity has truly impacted the lives of these girls. The hope for a better future with an education that they never thought possible is suddenly in their sights! It is a gift that they will possess for their entire life.
Some quotes from our sponsors:
“I wonder who gets the larger feeling of "being blessed? I kind of feel right now like it is me. Mama's Wish" really is doing amazing and wonderful things in this world.”
“I'm so excited. (its funny how one can feel such an affinity and excitement for a total stranger - guess that's something we get passed to us with our own motherhood). Thanks so much!
“Thank you for your help and the work you do to help these students find support.”
“Thank you for raising awareness and helping these girls.”
“One of my fondest memories is 'back to school' time for me and my children - the excitement about a new teacher, back to school supplies and new clothes. My children are grown but my grandchildren remind me that some things never change. As Labor Day week-end approaches and my family's plans are underway for our final 'official' summer celebration, the thought of helping young women across the globe
create those memories was too much to keep inside for this grandmother. Every girl that chooses to go to high school in that province will have a sponsor - you have my word.”
Every year there are many girls who are prepared to enter high school, but they have one huge obstacle that prevents them from attending. This obstacle is tuition. For a girl to go to middle and high school the cost is about $10 per month, but with the average family income of $100 per year, how could one possible afford tuition? When a sponsor steps forward, an impossible dream becomes a reality! Many of the girls who have been sponsored have graduated from high school, taken and passed the national exams, and have been accepted to University!
Angel Covers wants to give this opportunity to every girl who wants to go to school to learn to better her future for herself, her family, and her village. Thank you to each and every one of you who has made an incredible difference in someone else’s life. Thank you for your continued support and spreading the word about the needs of these incredible girls!
Laureen Dorow
Angel Covers-Education Director
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Deja Vu:
August 2005 stands out vividly in my memory because I witnessed a 48-hour miracle. We received photos of 23 girls and were asked if sponsors could be found for any of them. We agreed to try, and hoped that perhaps 3-4 of the girls would be sponsored, as time was extremely limited. The outpouring of concern for these girls was absolutely overwhelming, and in very little time we had not only those 23 girls sponsored, but many, more than that, and several college students too!
Fast forward to 2007, and once again I am witnessing a Mama’s Wish Miracle. This time we were given information on 51 girls, plus a possible 14 more who had left school the year before due to lack of funding. I admit that I had low expectations; after all, many families are cutting back financially right now and I w

“Jian Cuo spoke to all the sponsored girls today. He told me that all of us should have witnessed this. He said the girls and their family members gathered together and some were laughing, some were crying and some were jumping. He said that these girls are the happiest kids in the world. The new college girls can't believe they are sponsored too! They are so much blessed! Everybody said 'Thank You' and they said they wish there are more words exist to express their feeling.”

“I wrote the following to Jian Cuo and told him that these love letters from sponsors are very touching. I asked him to have some Mama’s Wish college girls to translate the letters and read to our new students so that they will know how lovely and respectable these sponsors are. I wish by reading their letters, our students can learn to be grateful and to be happy by giving and loving others. Jian Cuo told me the college girls have already started the translation and he is going to make copies and hand to every student.”
Angela Taylor
Mama’s Wish Education
For information on how you can help change the world by educating a promising young girl in the Mama’s Wish program, please contact We have one college student and a few more high school students in need of sponsorship.