The Mama’s Wish Miracle Continues
August 2005 stands out vividly in my memory because I witnessed a 48-hour miracle. We received photos of 23 girls and were asked if sponsors could be found for any of them. We agreed to try, and hoped that perhaps 3-4 of the girls would be sponsored, as time was extremely limited. The outpouring of concern for these girls was absolutely overwhelming, and in very little time we had not only those 23 girls sponsored, but many, more than that, and several college students too!
Fast forward to 2007, and once again I am witnessing a Mama’s Wish Miracle. This time we were given information on 51 girls, plus a possible 14 more who had left school the year before due to lack of funding. I admit that I had low expectations; after all, many families are cutting back financially right now and I w
as skeptical that we would be able to get word out quickly enough to help all but just a few of the girls. Oh, ye of little faith! Yet again I am awestruck by the generosity and commitment by so many people to see that every single one of these girls be given the opportunity to attend school. This should no longer surprise me, because word of mouth is lightening quick in these days of Internet and e-mail lists. Thank you to all of you who forwarded our plea for sponsors to family and friends. Although we still have a few girls in need of sponsorship available on our website, I am thrilled to let you know that as of tonight every one of these precious girls has been told to pack their bags and get ready to travel to boarding school in TongRen. Isn’t that wonderful? Teacher Jian Cuo, one of the founders of the Mama’s Wish program, delivered the good news personally to families in villages far and wide. I received the following email late last night from Nicole Fan, our China Facilitator who works with Jian Cuo to manage the program in China:
“Jian Cuo spoke to all the sponsored girls today. He told me that all of us should have witnessed this. He said the girls and their family members gathered together and some were laughing, some were crying and some were jumping. He said that these girls are the happiest kids in the world. The new college girls can't believe they are sponsored too! They are so much blessed! Everybody said 'Thank You' and they said they wish there are more words exist to express their feeling.”
August 2005 stands out vividly in my memory because I witnessed a 48-hour miracle. We received photos of 23 girls and were asked if sponsors could be found for any of them. We agreed to try, and hoped that perhaps 3-4 of the girls would be sponsored, as time was extremely limited. The outpouring of concern for these girls was absolutely overwhelming, and in very little time we had not only those 23 girls sponsored, but many, more than that, and several college students too!
Fast forward to 2007, and once again I am witnessing a Mama’s Wish Miracle. This time we were given information on 51 girls, plus a possible 14 more who had left school the year before due to lack of funding. I admit that I had low expectations; after all, many families are cutting back financially right now and I w

“Jian Cuo spoke to all the sponsored girls today. He told me that all of us should have witnessed this. He said the girls and their family members gathered together and some were laughing, some were crying and some were jumping. He said that these girls are the happiest kids in the world. The new college girls can't believe they are sponsored too! They are so much blessed! Everybody said 'Thank You' and they said they wish there are more words exist to express their feeling.”

It has been so moving to read all of the wonderful notes that sponsors are sending in with their sponsorship payments. We gathered several of them together and send them to Nicole so that she could see just how wonderful and generous you all are. She forwarded the email to Jian Cuo, and a short time later replied with the following:
“I wrote the following to Jian Cuo and told him that these love letters from sponsors are very touching. I asked him to have some Mama’s Wish college girls to translate the letters and read to our new students so that they will know how lovely and respectable these sponsors are. I wish by reading their letters, our students can learn to be grateful and to be happy by giving and loving others. Jian Cuo told me the college girls have already started the translation and he is going to make copies and hand to every student.”
School starts on September 5th and thanks to you dozens of bright, beautiful, and promising girls have received the gift of an education and ultimately the gift of changing the course of their lives. Thank you for helping them to reach for the stars.
Angela Taylor
Mama’s Wish Education
For information on how you can help change the world by educating a promising young girl in the Mama’s Wish program, please contact We have one college student and a few more high school students in need of sponsorship.
Angela Taylor
Mama’s Wish Education
For information on how you can help change the world by educating a promising young girl in the Mama’s Wish program, please contact We have one college student and a few more high school students in need of sponsorship.