As I got to my office today, I was shocked that the calendar said December 7 already. Didn't my kids just return to school for the year a couple of weeks ago? Since I apparently missed a couple of months somewhere I have so much to tell you.
The annual Gifts From The World auction was a great success. More than $1,900 was raised for the children of Angel Cottage! When adding that to the total we have raised from the sale of holiday cards and the America's Giving Challenge, more than the $10,000 needed for the matching donation has been raised since October 1. What fabulous donors
we have!! The first $5,000 has been sent to Angel Cottage and beds, tables, benches, materials for the fence, food, fuel for the stoves, and many other needed items were purchased for the children. Before school resumes in January, the remaining $10,000 will be sent and even more items will be purchased for these great kids. What an amazing Christmas present you have given them!!!
Speaking of presents... :-) As the holiday's approach, please remember to shop through the Angel Covers' website. By following this link, you will not only get your shopping done, but will also give Angel Covers 4% of your purchase without it costing you anything.
Searching for the perfect gift? Go to to complete your search. By using Good Search, Angel Covers will receive $.01 for each search you complete. I know $.01 doesn't sound like much, but just today we received a check for $36.54 because of people around the world designating Angel Covers when using Good Search. I've been using this service for months and I really believe it's just as good as Google and other other big search engines. Plus, through the toolbar, you can shop using Good Shop and Angel Covers will receive even more!
We still have two girls in our Mama's Wish program who need sponsors. For $130 a year or $11 a month, you can send one of these bright young ladies to high school. This would make a great present for someone or a wonderful way to end the year making a life changing gift to a child. Please contact Karen if you are interested in helping.
Your support throughout the year has changed the lives of children in China, Kenya, and
Ukraine. Children are attending school, are receiving plenty of food each day, have new toys to play with, and are hitting developmental milestones they wouldn't have otherwise because of your generous gifts. Please help us end the year by continuing to show these children that each of them have a special place in our hearts.

So very grateful,
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