As you know, the America's Giving Challenge ended Friday, Nov. 6. We were so glad to be a part of such a huge challenge. Our little grass roots organization raised just over $7,700 for the children of Angel Cottage and came in 22nd out of more than 7,100 organizations entered. Amazing! Sales of holiday card and donations received directly by us during the month of the challenge raised another $600. The children of Angel Cottage now have more than $8,300 of the $10,000 needed for the matching funds. I can't thank you all enough.
In an effort to raise the remaining $1,700 needed for the matching donation, we will be holding our annual Gifts From The World auction starting this Saturday the 14th through Nov. 20. Please check out these great items donated to us from around the world. Think holiday gifts! Watch our website for a direct link to the auction. http://www.angelcovers.org/giftsfromtheworld.html The items are beautiful!
Please also remember to order your holiday cards. They are selling fast already! All of the money raised through the sale of these cards also go to the children of Angel Cottage. http://www.angelcovers.org/holidaycards.html
Please be sure to join the Angel Covers fan page on Facebook if you haven't already. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Angel-Covers/182221079501 We will be posting LOTS of pictures, updates of programs, and news as often as possible. It's a great way to keep up to date with what's happening with Angel Covers.
More than 30 deaf children moved into their new home this week. Because of all of you, they each have their own bed, the wall for the play area is started, and tables will arrive soon. These children have learned how capable and important to the world they truly are because of your support. There's no greater gift.
So very grateful,
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