In the past week or so I have gotten so many pictures of the children at Humble Hearts. All of the pictures have been of children who are sponsored. Sponsors always have the option of providing extra items for their kids....books, hygiene items, clothes, etc. But every day I turn on the TV to hear more and more stories of the current US recession. More and more I'm hearing of people in threat of losing their homes, losing their jobs, or having a hard time paying

bills. And yet, individuals from around the world continue to send items to children in Kenya they have never met. Children, who without their support, would have no steady source of food or education. Children who have never had someone constantly in their lives to care about them and their future.
I simply want to post several of the pictures I have received this week. The smiles say it all. You don't need me to tell you that these children feel loved and respected by their sponsors. It's written all over their faces.

To all sponsors everywhere, I say....YOUR AWESOME!

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