As you may know, the budget for Angel Cottage is approximately $90,000. To date $40,000 has been raised and the structure is being built as quickly as funds will allow. But while in Kenya, I learned many new things that have given me even more faith in this project.
Two years ago land was purchased for Angel Cottage. Soon after two additional plots of land were purchased for the future secondary school. We then decided to build Angel Cottage several stories high so that the new secondary school could occupy the second story, which will cost less to build than an entirely new building. Now the land is not only home to the developing Angel Cottage, but will also have lots of space for kids to play. In large part because of Beatrice's
When construction began on Angel Cottage, local people in the area noticed this huge project and wanted to buy land close by. Seeing this opportunity, Beatrice contacted the land owner and convinced him to give Humble Hearts 4 additional plots of land for free. Not a marketing professional by trade, Beatrice convinced the land owner that by giving Humble Hearts the land he would be able to tell others what great work is happening there, which will increase the price the rest of the land can be sold for.
Additionally, Beatrice has been working with businesses throughout Nairobi to get free and discounted building materials. More than $7,000 in materials have been donated and dozens of bags of concrete and rods of steel have been purchased at discounted prices. For instance, Beatrice has been able to purchase bags of concrete for 585 shillings rather than 780 shillings, saving approximately $3 US per bag of concrete. Higher quality steel was purchased for almost $15 per rod less because they were purchased from the factory, something everyone in Nairobi isn't able to do. Next month a bank is visiting Humble Hearts and Angel Cottage. Last Christmas this bank purchased gifts for all of the children. This year they are interested in helping with construction costs. Keep your fingers crossed that they will decide to become a sponsor of Angel Cottage.
Financial accountability is of utmost importance to all of us at Angel Covers. These examples show that making the most of the money provided is as important to Beatrice. She works every day to get the best price on materials and works to find companies or individuals willing to donate anything needed.
Please continue to spread the word about this worthwhile project. Your donation will go as far as possible...we are making sure of that in the US as well as in Kenya.
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