In less than 4 days I leave for Kenya. The list of things to do is almost as long as the flights I will be on and the time change is difficult to get used to. But, every time I have the privilege to go, all I can think about are the beautiful faces of the kids and how honored I am to get to see them again.
This year my 13 year old son is coming with me. He's packed lots of toys, backpacks, school supplies, and hundreds of other items. He's excited to meet everyone I've been talking about for years, to buy new toys, and missing a few days of school isn't so bad either. But, Justin is going as a representative of Angel Covers. He will be learning how we monitor programs, assess needs, and listen to kids and adults tell us what works in their culture. 

Seeing the country and schools through his eyes is one of the things I'm looking forward to the most. I will be posting blogs and pictures as much as I can, and so will Justin. We have started a blog just for him. http://www.angelcoverskids.blogspot.com/ Please pass along this blog address to anyone you think would be interested in reading his stories and hearing about his experiences. This is a great opportunity to get your kids involved and interested in the needs of children in Kenya.
Join us on this exciting journey. You helped make it possible.
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