Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Full Tummies

Our nutrition facilitator in China, Cindy, just visited Huaibei and sent some of the best pictures. The baby on the right is called “laughing Buddha” by the orphanage staff. How adorable is that?! You can see why too. She looks so happy.

Thanks to all of your support, the babies continue to look great. The orphanage continues to use the cleft bottles we sent, which is obvious from the pictures of the babies with cleft lips. They are looking great. Not too skinny at all. And 2 will be having surgery soon! That's a huge blessing because they wouldn't be able to have surgery if they didn't weigh enough.

We are going to send more formula and rice cereal this month. Cindy said the orphanage was clean and neat and that the aunties take very good care of the babies. Many of the younger children are attending kindergarten outside of the orphanage during the day, which is wonderful. We will be purchasing formula that is good for the toddlers too (Neslac) because there aren't as many infants right now. This formula is also especially good for the babies with medical needs and was purchased in April 2008 with great success. The kids love the taste and it’s full of great nutritional benefits for all of the kids. We will also continue to provide more than 200 bags of rice cereal each month.

In February we were able to purchase heater/ air-conditioning units that are getting a lot of use right now. This area of China is not only very hot in the summer, but also very humid. These air-conditioners are preventing heat sores and sleepless nights.

The support of so many is making this program invaluable. Children are not only happier, but they are healthier, and are able to have surgery if needed because they are strong. If you would like to be a part of this life-changing program, please email me at kari@angelcovers.org Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you’ve done for these children. You are making it possible for them to have a full life.

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