A wonderful donation arrived today. One thousand, five hundred, and seventy-five pounds of baby equipment! Boxes and boxes were stacked on palates, some taller than 8 feet high with rattles, play gyms, bath toys, stools, potties, swings, and so many other brand new necessities for babies.
A huge THANK YOU goes to the Kids II baby company for donating all of these great items. Babies in the Ukraine will have the joy of seeing these toys arrive hopefully this summer. We are planning to send a container shipment to Ukraine, which will include hundreds of baby bouncers, clothing, blankets, and shoes. Volunteers will meet the container and distribute the supplies to orphanages throughout Ukraine.

If you are interested in donating gently used clothing, or shoes we would love to have your donation. Please be sure the items have no holes, and are in very good condition. We will also be holding a "battery drive" so all of these great baby toys make noise for a long time to come, and a "blanket drive" so all of the children are warm next winter.
We'll keep you posted on this great project!