I realized today that this week has been full of getting items ready which will go to children because of volunteers. Blankets are being made so that a group traveling to Russia in May can provide all 60 children in one orphanage with a new, soft blanket. Two other volunteers are taking calcium tablets and Advil to an orphanage in Palestine. This orphanage recently lost all government funding and it unable to provide for the special needs children there without outside support.
A volunteer has recently been visiting Humble Hearts to weigh and measure all of the children, and is taking wonderful pictures of the kids, the school, and the progress on Angel Cottage. Other volunteers are working hard to order a nutritional supplement for the children of Humble Hearts, and are researching grants for many different program. Another finished making approximately 80 curtains for Angel Cottage.

We are in the process of appointing a Housing Director who will be in charge of just about everything you can think of that kids need to make an orphanage a home. Yes, it's a big job. We are looking for a financial coordinator for the Mama's Wish program, volunteers with website experience, and individuals with marketing experience.
As the week comes to an end, I'm being reminded yet again that the work we do is not only vital for the children, but that each and every volunteer is essential. There are few organizations in the world that are able to run solely because of volunteers. We are honored to be one of them.
Kari Fillmore