Report from Mama's Wish
Earlier this week, students at the Tongren School were visited by Jian Cuo and Rinchen, of the Mother's Wish Foundation. Below is Rinchen's report regarding their visit. We hope you enjoy reading about them!
Tongren Middle School Mama's Wish students |
1. School background and the situation of Tibetan females
Tongren Middle School is the oldest and biggest school in this county. It is now 40 years old and thousands of Tibetans were educated and graduated from here. Currently there are more than 1500 students and now there are both junior and senior classes and the students are from different places but most of them are from rural and very remote villages. In the past years, the families didn’t want to send their daughters to schools; they thought that education was not very important for females, because the female is the only person who works the fields and serves the animals in the nomadic places. That was one reason why there were so many illiterate females in Tibetan societies.
2. Why Mother’s Wish Foundation supports education for females
Since Mother’s Wish Foundation was established, our first goal was to give a better education for females, fill the gap of equality and build a wonderful future. In order to do this, the staff members went village to village, talked with their parents, talked with the teachers to get more information about individual students and then final selection was made for the students who would really love to study but financially were poor and living in poverty. From 2006, Angel Covers found this situation and gave their warmest hearts and generous hands immediately to the Mama’s Wish program and since then so many female students got their support and it has changed their lives towards a brilliant way. Nowadays, with the greatest financial support from Angel Covers and the power of unity, there are more and more females who get marvelous chances to continue their education and we proudly want to say that there are even some university students who will soon get bachelor's degrees.
3. Our day at Tongren Middle School
On the 18thof April, we got up quite early and drove to Tongren Middle School. When we entered the school gate, all the teachers including the headmaster were waiting for us. They took us to the school meeting hall and the school headmaster gave a speech about the school system and current conditions. He really showed the sincere thanks to the sponsors on behalf of all the teachers and students. Mr. Jian Cuo added that Mother’s Wish Foundation could not do anything for the school without kind-hearted people around the world. After the meeting we went to the students' meeting hall and there were 41 students waiting for us. Everybody stood up and welcomed us warmly.
Tongren Middle School classrooms andteachers' office |
During ourvisit, some students were planting flowers in a small garden.
Zhaxi and Laheng were on class duty on that day.
They were washing mops during the break.
Mama's Wish students studying in the classroom |
Students relaxing in their dorm rooms |
Playing games during the school break |
1. Conclusion
Spending the day with the students was unforgettable. They are very nice and there are always smiles on their faces which means they are very healthy and happy at school. All of them are very curious to know when their sponsors will come to visit them.
Rinchen Dhondup
Mama's Wish Teacher and Translator