Three years ago Angel Covers was asked to support Juilus Fenta and his dream to become a nurse practitioner. Since graduating from High School graduation in 1998, Julius had been dreaming of being able to provide medical care to his village of 15,000. With no medical professional in the area, villagers have to walk more than an hour for any kind of medical care.
We were thrilled when three generous women stepped up and agreed to sponsor Julius throughout nursing school. They have stuck with him, supporting him and joining him in his successes. In January, we learned that Julius was done with all of his schooling and internships and was able to register as a nurse practitioner. Upon returning to his village, he began researching how to best support his village with this newly gained skills.
Julius' sponsors have recently agreed to provide the start up costs for a new clinic! Because of
the generosity of these amazing women, 15,000 people in the village will no longer have to walk for an hour or more to receive basic medical care. Women having complications giving birth, will have immediate medical care for themselves and their new babies. Sick children will not go untreated because help is now just down the road.

Julius is a perfect example of why Angel Covers began. Every person has the potential to do great things. We all need support and someone who believes in us. Julius has amazing sponsors who have believed in him for 3 years and their faith in him has changed an entire village.
If you'd like to help with start up costs for Julius' clinic, or support another child in our of our programs, please contact us anytime. Julius is proof that numerous lives can be changed by just a few.
Forever grateful,