Months ago (ok, maybe even a year ago or more) Angel Covers started "selling" bricks at the new Angel Cottage. The idea was that for a donation of $10 or more, you could have your name engraved into a brick at the new home. These bricks would not only help complete this much needed home, but would also provide a beautiful visual aid to the students, showing them just how many people around the world love and support them.
Many bricks were purchased, both to have our own names on them, or in honor of those we love. While this project was hugely successful, it took much longer than any of us thought to get the
home built and to get the names on the walls.

Good news though!!! Names are on the walls and they are beautiful!! Pictures are still coming in and everyone who purchased a brick will get an individual pictures. While we are waiting on all of the individual pictures, I wanted everyone to see how wonderful the dinning room at Angel Cottage looks. The bright and cheerful messages and names on the walls will be a constant source of inspiration for the children of Angel Cottage.

Forever grateful,