The next daily challenge starts Friday the 30th at 1:00. As I type this, I'm both excited about what we have accomplished and hopeful that we will reach our goal of raising $10,000. In the next 8 days, we have the opportunity to raise an additional $2,700 for the children of Humble Hearts; children like Yvonne.
Yvonne is in nursery class, is learning sign language and knows her letters and numbers. She loves to sing, dance, and is wonderful at crafts. Yvonne is very creative and loves to draw the traffic police and other things she sees on the street. Yvonne is always careful to be sure her hair is braided in beautiful straight lines because she believes girls should have long hair, so it makes sense that she's interested in pursuing a career in design.
The past 2 days, Denver has been very cold and snowy. With more than 20" of snow at my

house, I've looked outside many time thinking about how lucky we are to be able to sit in a nice warm house, and have warm beds at the end of the day. And, I'm grateful beyond words that because of your generosity, the children of Angel Cottage will have new warm beds too.
As we all get ready for Halloween this year, please consider purchasing 1 less bag of candy, or one less wig and donation $10 instead. Throughout this challenge, we have asked a lot of our supporters. We've asked you not only to donate, but to ask others to do the same. Now I'm asking you be as grateful and I am for everything we have and all we have been able to accomplish, and as you do that please consider continuing the fight for the kids and their future. Every single person who has donated is changing the lives of these children.
Always grateful,