Angel Covers is proud to be able to continue sponsoring Tommy, a beautiful little 4 year old boy at the Believe In Me School Jingzhou, China. Your willingness to order gift cards for education programs in China has provided sponsorships to Tommy for more than a year. Tommy continues to grow and learn. He's also playing well with others and telling others his name.
Gift cards have also made it possible for us to send significant funds with Laureen to China. She leaves Friday and will be purchasing blankets for the Huaibei orphanage because of donations from gift cards. As soon as she returns from her trip, we'll post pictures of all the warm blankets she was able to purchase.

With Mother's Day and the end of the school year coming for all of us, please remember these great gifts. Your generosity provides warmth and security for children, while providing a gift to those you care about. http://www.angelcovers.org/giftcards.html