After a whirl-wind trip across the United States, Beatrice Anunda headed back to Kenya today. Beatrice was thrilled to have been brought to the US by the Trillium School in Oregan. Very supportive of Humble Hearts, the Trillium School has sent two groups of high school kids to Humble Hearts with their teachers to help build desks, paint walls, plant a garden, and many other things.

While in Oregon, Beatrice learned new teaching methods from the Trillium School, was able to see the ocean, and met many wonderful supporters. We were fortunate that she also had time to come to Denver. While here she spoke at a school for the deaf, met with two non-profit organizations interested in helping deaf and impoverished children, had an online chat with sponsors, meet many sponsors in person, learned about Halloween, and many other things. She was also able to see snow for the first time and went to the top of the Continental Divide...exclaiming "I've never been so cold in my life!" :-)
After leaving Denver, Beatrice had the great fortune of going to Pennsylvania for a week to visit the Scranton School of the Deaf. It was exciting to hear her be so enthusiastic about what she had learned. Seeing New York City was a huge hit too.

Thanks to everyone who talked to her through the online chat, took the time to meet her, have her in your homes, and show her this beautiful country of ours. She had a wonderful time, much was learned, and many new people learned how they too can help Humble Hearts.