Kids never cease to amaze me. They are creative, positive in the face of adversity, and always dreaming. The children of the Humble Hearts School for the deaf are no different. This small school (only 230 students) is the only school many of these children have ever known. They are studying in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya in classrooms with leaky ceilings, dirt floors infested with fleas, and tin walls that heat up like an oven. And yet, they are so thankful! They are thrilled to be studying without enough textbooks or desks, with a train passing within yards of the school each day, and with few school supplies.
Within these difficult conditions, the teachers are providing the best possible care and the children are creating beautiful artwork. We have had the privilege of turning some of that artwork into holiday cards. These are are now available, but only in limited quantities. Each box contains 10 cards of one design and are perfect for any holiday. The proceeds from the sale of these cards will go back to the Humble Hearts School to fix the leaky roofs and will put cement on the floors.
Please consider ordering some of these beautiful cards. They will truly change lives while you wish your loved ones a happy holiday season.

Kari Fillmore